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- Wentling's, 10, 159.
- Wentworth's Ferry, 7, 120.
- Werden's, 10, 164.
- West: Americans and not Englishmen explored the Middle, 6, 44–45; primeval condition of the, 3, 41–46.
- Western Inland Lock Navigation Company: sketch of, 14, 22–42; Report of the Directors, 35; New York purchases works of, 130–131.
- Westmoreland, County of, Pennsylvania, History of the, cited, 5, 191.
- Weston, William, engineer, 14, 38, 40, 87–88, 92–93.
- West Port, 12, 78.
- West Virginia Atlas, 12, 25.
- West Virginia Historical Magazine, cited, 4, 78.
- Wheeling Creek, Céloron at mouth of, 9, 42.
- Wheeling (West Virginia): Cumberland Road completed to, 10, 54–57, 71–74; taverns at, 160; Baltimore and Ohio Railway reaches, 13, 134; origin of name of, 14, 16.
- Whilley, William, 6, 200.
- White, Canvass: favors Allegheny Portage Railway, 13, 196; builds Erie Canal in Mohawk Valley, 14, 132; honored at Erie Canal inaugural celebration, 149.
- White, Cross, 6, 124.