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- Winden, Julius, The Influence of the Erie Canal upon the population along its course, quoted, 14, 152–177.
- Winegamer's, 10, 162.
- Wine Hill, Clark's route on, 8, 30, 31.
- Winslow, Beauséjour captured by, 5, 68.
- Winston, President George T., on poor roads and matrimony, 15, 24.
- Winter, early traveling preferable in, 11, 33.
- Wisconsin: archæological map of, 1, 48; remains in, 49; archæological remains in Crawford County, 54; early path in, 11, 32.
- Wisconsin Historical Collections, cited, 9, 118, 132; 11, 32.
- Witherbee, Frank S., on Roosevelt Erie Canal committee, 14, 198.
- Wolfe, James, bravery at Louisbourg, 5, 73.
- Wolf, Governor, approves bill authorizing Allegheny Portage Railway, 13, 197.
- Wolf's Rapid, 14, 28.
- Wolves, pioneers invade dens of, 6, 67–68.
- Wood, Col. Abraham, New River discovered by, 6, 55.
- Wood Creek, in Washington's plan of communications, 13, 47.