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- Benton, Thomas, on Buffalo routes, 1, 79.
- Bernard, Gen. Simon: outlines route for Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, 13, 78; estimates cost of, 78–87; estimate proved correct, 161.
- Big Bottom Massacre: site of, 2, 116; 8, 109; effect of, 110–111.
- Bigelow, Timothy, Journal of a Tour to Niagara Falls in the year 1805, quoted, 12, 117–142.
- "Big Rock," 2, 63.
- Billings, John S., 14, 12.
- Bingham, the bookseller, 12, 118.
- Bird's Road, in Kentucky, 6, 180–181.
- Birkbeck, Morris: describes Old Glade Road, 5, 200–202; Letters from Illinois, quoted, 201–202.
- "Black Bear," 10, 161.
- "Black Commission," in modern Erie Canal, 14, 197.
- Blackburn, Colonel, appointed on committee concerning Potomac improvement, 13, 50.
- Blacksburg (Virginia), 6, 58.
- Black's, Mr., at foot of Blue Ridge, 6, 108.
- Black's, 10, 159.
- Blair's Gap, Allegheny Portage Railway in, 13, 191.
- Blanchard, Col. Joseph, raises New Hampshire Militia, 7, 119.
- Blane, Alexander, subscribes toward Wilderness Road improvement, 6, 199.