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CANALS: Erie (continued)—
Union College Guards celebrate opening of, 145; inaugural ceremony of, at Albany, 145; inaugural ceremonies of, at New York, 145–150; ceremony of wedding Great Lakes to the Atlantic, 147–148; procession in New York at inauguration of, 148–149; ball at the inauguration of, 149–150; engineers of, honored, 149–150; ceremony at Buffalo of wedding Great Lakes to Atlantic Ocean, 150; local influences of, 152–177; distribution of real and personal property along, 155–158; improvement of land along, 158–160; effected change in highway travel, 12, 159; live stock along, 14, 160–161; affects growth of Unadilla, New York, 12, 161; influence on foreigners of, 14, 161–164; effect in politics, 165–177; financial history of, 178–194; early freight on, 187; early tolls on, 189; first enlargement of, 190–194; "Seymour plan" for improvement of, 195; "Nine Million" act for, 195; improvement of, by building a thousand-ton barge canal, 196–207; "Black Commission" on, 197; Governor Roosevelt on, 197–199; Roosevelt appoints committee of experts to study needs of, 198; William F. King on future of, 200–204; New York Central Rail-