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- Dawson's, 12, 50.
- Day, Sherman, Historical Collections of the State of Pennsylvania, cited, 11, 78; 13, 207.
- Dayton (Ohio), Harmar's route near, 8, 96.
- De Bow's Review, quoted, 6, 94–100.
- Defiance (Ohio): Indian council on present site of, 8, 179; Fort Defiance erected, 212.
- "Defiance Fast Line Coaches," 10, 136.
- De Forest, William, quoted, 9, 127–129.
- Delawares: sketch of, 3, 59–62; with Braddock, 4, 98; loyal in Revolution, 6, 160; in Pontiac's Rebellion, 5, 174.
- Demming, guide in Forbes's army, 5, 94, 99.
- Denny, Maj. Ebenezer: aide-de-camp to St. Clair, 8, 134; Narrative, quoted, 134 et seq.
- Denton, Thomas, 6, 118.
- De Quindre, Lieutenant, in Hamilton's army, 7, 171.
- De Soto (Illinois), Clark's route near, 8, 30.
- Detroit: founded, 3, 54; Pontiac attacks, 5, 171–172; Americans plan to capture, 6, 163–164; strategic commercial position of, in Washington's plan, 13, 39–50.
- Devol, Captain, builds ships on Muskingum River, 9, 135.
- De Witt, Moses, 14, 26.