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- "Eight Million Dollar Bill," Maryland passes, 13, 122.
- Eldridge, Hon. M. O.: assistant director Office of Public Road Inquiries, 15, 58; on good roads for farmers, 81–169.
- Elgar, John, assists in inventing cast-iron wheels, 13, 131.
- Eliot, President C. W., on Washington, 3, 25.
- Elk Garden, 6, 109.
- Elkhorn Prairie, Clark's route in, 8, 45.
- Elliott, Capt. Matthew, United States Commissioners quartered with, 8, 189.
- Elliott, Col. Robert, murdered, 8, 194.
- Elliott, Isaac, farm on St. Louis Trace Road, 8, 68.
- Emerson, John, denies Harmar's right to uproot early settlements northwest of Ohio River, 9, 58.
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Society and Solitude, quoted on the evolution of roads, 10, 165.
- Endsley's, 10, 160.
- England: explorers do not rank with the French, 6, 45; packhorse trails in, 11, 30–31.
- English, William H., Conquest of the Northwest, cited, 8, 32, et seq.
- English's Ferry, 6, 124.
- Enock's, Henry, 4, 76, 88.