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- Fitzgerald, John, elected director of Potomac Company, 13, 56.
- Fitzhugh, William H., Chesapeake and Ohio Canal central committeeman, 13, 74.
- Flag, first American, unfurled in battle at Fort Stanwix, 7, 59.
- Flatboat: history of, 9, 113–126; first to descend Ohio River, 123.
- Flatboating, Civil War changes, 9, 123.
- Flatboatmen, route of returning, 9, 125.
- Flat Prairie, Clark's route in, 8, 43.
- Fleming, Major-General, services in Erie Canal inauguration, 14, 149.
- Flemming, Colonel, 6, 86, 130.
- Fletcher, Calvin, describes pioneer roads, 11, 100–103.
- Flinn's Station, see Bellville, West Virginia.
- Florida Avenue, Washington, D. C., explanation of crookedness of, 11, 66.
- Flower Gap, 6, 55.
- Floyd, Col. John, on Kentucky's need of assistance (1782), 6, 183–185.
- Fonda, John, 14, 27.
- Fontaine, Maj. James, in Harmar's campaign, 8, 88, 105–106.
- Foos's, 10, 157.