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FORTS (continued)—
- Watauga: trail from Fort Chissel to Cumberland Gap ran by, 6, 29; treaty of, 92; Sevier and Robertson command, 149; part in Revolution, 149–156.
- Wayne, Wayne erects, 8, 216.
- Western, 7, 54.
- William Henry: Montcalm moves upon, 5, 69; strategic position of, 7, 53.
- Williams, 7, 59.
- Winnebago, 7, 66, 186.
- Wood Creek, 7, 147–148.
- Fort Recovery (Ohio): St. Clair's army reaches, 8, 146; battlefield near, described, 146–147; disposition of St. Clair's army, 147–148; St. Clair's defeat at, 152–156; Wayne's soldiers visit battleground at, 203; build Fort Recovery at, 204; Wayne's skirmish at, 205; Wayne's army passes, 206.
- Four Mile House, near Columbus, 10, 159.
- Fox, Arthur, 6, 198.
- Fox, Charles James, his opinion of Washington, 3, 21.
- Francis, Pres. David F., on good roads and increased land values, 15, 45–46.