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Good Roads
GOOD ROADS (continued)—
statistics gathered in France, 181; trap rocks often useful, 184; trappa, derivation of, 184; testing rocks, 186–187; laboratories for testing, 188.
- Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, prosperity under, 15, 44–45.
- Moral question of, 15, 17–18.
- National Aid, Dodge on, 15, 51–64.
- New Jersey and state aid, 15, 51.
- New York plan of state aid, 15, 51.
- Ohio and state aid, 15, 51.
- Pennsylvania and state aid, 15, 51.
- "Pig-track surveys," fallacy of following, 15, 87.
- Railways favor, 15, 43–44, 46, 78.
- Sand clay road, view of, 15, 115.
- Schools: dependent on, 15, 18; President Jesse on consolidated buildings for, 19; comparative expense of country and city, 32–33.
- Section lines, cannot be built economically on, 15, 87.
- Social intercourse and, 15, 23.
- State-aid plan described, 15, 50–51.
- Steel track, view of, 15, 66.
- Stone roads, principles of building, 15, 190–211.
- Straightness must be sacrificed for proper grades, 15, 91–92.