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Hawley (continued)—
48; influence in originating Erie Canal, 48–49; address at opening of Erie Canal, 139.
- Hawley, M. S., Origin of the Erie Canal, quoted, 14, 48, 110–112, 116, 119; cited, 51.
- Hay, Major, 7, 173.
- Hays, James, 6, 199.
- Hazen, Brigadier General, letter to General Irvine, 5, 189.
- Hazzard, Lieut. R. E., surveys Baltimore and Ohio route, 13, 109, 110.
- Headley, Usal, 10, 162.
- Heckewelder, John: Map of Northeastern Ohio, 1796, 2, 101; on derivation of name Ohio, 9, 17–19.
- Heighway, Mr.: early pioneer in Ohio, 11, 116; route in Ohio, 146–150.
- Helm, Captain: occupies Vincennes, 8, 32; captured by Hamilton, 33; Clark mentions, 222.
- Henderson, Col. Richard: ancestry, 6, 88–89; early life, 89–91; anecdote illustrating self-confidence, 89–91; Transylvania Company formed by, 91–92; Boone negotiates Watauga treaty for, 92; departs for Kentucky, 101–102; diary while going to Kentucky, 101–107; joins Calk's party, 111; crosses Cumberland Gap, 112, 115; letter to Joseph