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- Lancaster (Pennsylvania): terminus of first United States macadamized road, 11, 74; Wallcutt in, (1790), 12, 60–61.
- Lancaster, Treaty of, 3, 84.
- "Landlord's Coach Line," 10, 125.
- Land Records of Allegheny County, Maryland, cited, 5, 33.
- Lane, George S., 12, 30.
- La Salle: explorations of, 7, 33–37; discovered Ohio, 9, 21.
- Latrobe, Benjamin H., describes sail-car "Æolus," 13, 127.
- Laurel-hanne, location of, 5, 18.
- Laurence, David, 12, 145.
- Lawless, Henry, in Dr. Walker's exploring party, 6, 50.
- Lawrence, Lieutenant Colonel, commander at Nova Scotia, 4, 49.
- Lawrence's, 11, 127.
- Leavett, Mr., in Erie Canal celebration, 14, 142.
- Lebanon (Ohio), Harmar's route near, 8, 91, 93.
- Le Caron, on the Ottawa route, 7, 31.
- Le Clercq, Établissement de la Foi, cited, 7, 106.
- Lee, Arthur: route on Old Glade Road, 5, 199; 9, 63.