- 95. What effect did this have?
- It brought about the organization of the employers. Employers' associations are found in all the industrial towns from 1836 on. The blacklist was used as a weapon against union workers. The blacklist was not equal to the union and the boycott, so the employers again turned to the courts for aid in overcoming the advantages that lay with organized workers. The courts did not disappoint them.
- 96. What was the general effect of unionism during this period?
- There was much activity in organizing work. There were many demands for betterments, and, on the whole, there was a wholesome development in the working class.
- 97. Was no attempt made for more extensive organization Than Central Labor Unions?
- Yes. The first attempt at national organization was made when the New York General Trades' Union issued a call for a national convention in March, 1834.
- 98. With what response did their call meet?
- A convention was held in New York City in August, 1834, which was attended by delegates from Boston, New York, Brooklyn, Poughkeepsie, Newark, and Philadelphia. The unions of Washington, and Baltimore were not represented. This convention gave birth to the National Trades' Union.
- 99. Was it a harmonious gathering?
- The question of politics came very near disrupting it. After an exhaustive discussion, it was decided by the convention to refrain from politics.
- 100. Did the convention announce any policy?
- Yes. It decided to encourage the spreading of education among the workers, for it was impressed "That the primary cause of all the evils and difficulties with which the working classes are environed can be traced to the want of a correct knowledge." Also, it recommended that "such of the working classes of these United States as have not already formed themselves into societies for the protection of their industry, do so forthwith, that they may by this means be enabled to make common cause with their oppressed brethren,