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Page:Historical Catechism of American Unionism.pdf/35

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Silver Platers (1856); Painters' National Union (1859); Cordwainers' National Union (1859); National Cotton Mule Spinners' Ass'n. of N. A. (1858); National Union of Iron Moulders (1859); Journeymen Stone Cutters' Union of the U. S. and Canada (1855).

All of these did not succeed in carrying out their intention. The coming of the war of the Rebellion interferred, and nationalization of unions did not arrive until after its close.
121. How many national organizations survived the industrial depression and the war?
About five. The Typographical Union, Molders' International Union, National Union of Machinists' and Blacksmiths', Hat Finishers' National Association, and the Stone Cutters' of the U. S. and Canada.
122. What was the attitude of the workers toward the civil war.
They did not desire it. They favored some compromise, which would leave the question of slavery optional with the several states. When Lincoln called for volunteers, however, the workers responded generously; whole local unions volunteering in a body.
123. Was there any attempt at organizing the workers during the war?
Evidently there was. In 1863 Fenchers' Trades' Review, a labor paper, published a list of unions in sixty-one trades scattered over a wide territory.
The following list showing the number of unions in several states in 1863 and 1864 indicates activity in organization work.
State Dec. 1863 Dec. 1864.
Connecticut 2 6
Delaware 1
Illinois 1 10
Indiana 3 17
Kentucky 2 8
Maine 1 7
Maryland 1
Massachusetts 17 42
Michigan 4 9
Missouri 4 9
New Jersey 4 10