work of, on Perthes collection of European history, 499 Briconnet, 70 Brief, the, of Clement VII., mystery of, 47, 48-9 Bright, Henry, friend of Lord Houghton, Bright, Rev. J . Franck, A History of England, 1837. , 472 favourable estimate of Palmerston's foreign policy, 476, 477 mistakes of fact and opinion, 480, moderation of his opinion regarding I religious movements, 474 severity of, towards faults of national character, 475 views of, on American Civil War, 481, 482 view on democratic character of pre- sent era, 473 view of, on Gladstone's change of politics, 479 cited on English behaviour in India, on Lord George Bentinck, 479 on the Spanish marriages, 477 on responsibilities of statesmen, living forces and present cares, 472 lirignole, Marquis, on the character of the Italian reform movement, 171 British, see also England and United Kingdom intervention after Sedan, 251 as to reduction of French indemnity, 271 monies in Mexico, seizure of, by Miramon, consequence of the act, 147 neutrality, 1870., 238 proposal as to' the Hohenzollern candidates and the King of Prussia, 234 view of the meaning of liberty, 133 view of monarchy, 252 Brittany, Duchess of, Anne, her marriage, Brofferio, 187 Broglie, Duke de, on Talleyrand's educa- tional report, 408 publisher of Talleyrand 's Memoirs, (Prince E. de), Mabillon et la Sociele de l'Abbaye de St. Germain-des- Pres a la fin du XVI 1« Siecle, Brother Jacob (George Eliot's), retribu- tion prominent theme of, 285 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, and Robert, at Hawthorne's breakfast, 418 Brumaire, enterprise of, cause of failure, Brunswick, Duke of, the grand illusion of Talleyrand's day, 409 Brussels, story of Charles II. at mass at, 90 Bucher, Lothar, his mission to Spain, 216-17 Buckingham, Duke of, favouring French alliance, 116 Buckle, George Eliot's dislike of, 288 Buckle, H. T. , History of Civilisation philosophy of history — citation of insufficient authorities, omission of others, 330, 331.
2 "4. 335. 340
physical causes influencing man- kind ; author's exposition criti- cised, 334-41 false erudition conceals author's ignorance of his subject, 329- presentation of author criticised. 324-43 thesis and method, 305-23 application of inductive process to human actions, 320, 321 definition of civilisation, 306 definition of history and science compared, 305 effect of religion and morals on society, 306, 307 elimination of idea of free-will, 310-14 elimination of idea of providence, mankind viewed not as individuals but as masses of producers, 308, 309, 310, 319 misleading use of words ' ' law " and "necessity," 315, 316 mutual neutralisation of virtue and vice, 307, 309 practice of author proved contrary to theory, 320, 322 question of reduction of history to a science, 305, 306, 320 views on statistics of murder, suicide, and marriage fallacious, 316-18 Buckle, H. T., cited— in praise of Comte's services to history, 332 on human actions, causes of, 311 ; results of, 316 causes of changes in civilised people, on morals and vices, 307 on committal of crime, 309, 316 on committal of suicide, 317 on marriage, cause regulating, 318