and its conditions, 99 ; his studies in Holland and change of faith at Hamburg, a royal witness, 99 ; he joins the Society of Jesus, in Rome, 100 ; is sent for by his father, who promises, later, to acknowledge him, 101 ; another change of name, 102 ; altered prospects suggested by Charles, 103 ; his brief stay in England, 103 ; he disappears from history, 104 ; is personated by the English husband of Teresa Corona, 104; is shut up in Gaeta, and pronounced an im- postor, 105 ; set free, goes to France, returns, and dies, 105-6; the impersonation discussed, 106-8 ; inquiry into the probable history of the real de la Cloche, 108-15; what became of him? 108 et seq. Coburg, Duke of, cited on Prince Albert, 478 Colbert, French ambassador to Charles II. , 116 note, 1 17 why replaced, 121 Colebrooke, 345 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, inspired Byron's Address to Ocean, 287 Cologne, George Eliot's meeting with Strauss at, 281 Colombiere, La (priest), in Colonna, Cardinal, and the election of Clement VII., 13 Comines, 70 Commercial treaty, Talleyrand's de- fence of, 400 Commission of Clement VII. on the Divorce of Henry VIII., granted, 40 ; suspended, 53-5 < 'ommune of Paris, 262 civil war due to, 271 Comte, A., anticipated by Fries, 287 belief of, in immediate retribution, credited by Buckle with raising the standard of history, 332 ignored by Herbert Spencer, 283 influence of, on George Eliot, 283 ; its extent, 280 ; that of his later works, 300 praise of De Maistre, 301 Concordat, the Austrian, 186, ] 88 Condorcet, Sketch of the Progress of the Human Mind, 327 Confederacy, its one advantage over single Republican States, 135 Confederacy, the American, on what idea established, safeguards planned by, the one omission, 141 ; whai might have resulted, 142 Confederate proposal for conqm Mexico and Canada, 162 Confederates refused leave to settle in Mexico, 163 Conne, 94 Conquestadores in Mexico, privileges and property of, 144 Conscience, liberty of, 467 Considerant, 391 Consistency versus justice, a Boston view, 132 Conspiracy bill, introduced by Cavour after the Orsini affair, 190 Constabili, on the Lewis XII. medal, " Perdam Babylonis nomen," 71 on the death of Pope Alexander VI., 431 Constance, Council of, 71 Constitution Civile, Talleyrand's share in, 407 ; the ruin of the Revolu- tion, 444 Constitution, federal, of the United States, 124, 127 ; views on, of its founders, 128 et seq. an omission in, 137, and what it im- plied, 141 Contarini, 41 Corday, Charlotte, character of, 494 Corona, Teresa, and her husband the pseudo Jacobus de la Cloche, 104-6 Correspondant, Le, criticism on Ranke, Cortez, Hernando, 144 Cotta, 335 Council of Basel, 71 of Constance, 71 of Pisa, Creighton on, 435 proposed, to judge Pope Alexander VI., 67-9 of Trent, decrees of, accepted by diaries II., 95 Coup d'itat, the, by whom can ie, I through, 209 Cranmer, his anxiety for the marriage law, 23 Creighton, M. (afterwards Bishop of London), History of the Papacy during the Period of the Re- fonnation, 426 ; see a/so Ap- pendix, 503 method of compiling history, 428 ; authorities consulted by, 427 ; warning against credulity in hi torical research, 431-2 ; rank, skill, and style of, as an historian, 426-41 over-estimation of Sanuto, 433
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