Hohenzollern, House of, secret of its
success, 379
Leopold of, see Leopold of Hohen-
Holbach, 488
Holland, importance of, in Charles II. 's
affairs, 116-7
Holy See, the (see also Papacy), ideal
State for its establishment in,
prerogative of, effects of Alexander
VI. 's action concerning, 67, 74 ;
his theory regarding, 74 et seq.
Honesty in research, characteristic of
German historians in second
quarter of nineteenth century,
2 - 373
Hook, Dean, historical style of, esti- mated by Creighton, 436 Houghton, Lord, Life of, 414-25 Houghton, Lord(R. Monckton Milnes), attitude towards Rome, 421 character, 417-18 ; own and other estimates, 416 ; two-sidedness, 418-20 claims of, on posterity, 414 conversational powers of, 416-17,
early career and creed, 414-16 friends, wide knowledge, and literary intimacies, scant news of, 418, 424 ; feuds, 420 knowledge of Heine's views, 422 Orleanist sympathies of, 416 poetry of, 424 political failure of, 419-21 social status of, 414, 416, 417 ; enjoyment of society, 418 stories of, 417, 419, 421, 424 note Hudson, Sir James, 197 Huet, cited on truth in history deduc- tion, 461, 470 Hufier, Napoleon's historian, 449 Hugo, Victor, bombast of, after Sedan, 258 George Eliot compared to, 302 Hume, D. , historian, 332 Humboldt, William, Baron von, 384 critic of Ranke, 357 on Judaism and science, 298 a model of historical excellence, 345 Talleyrand's depreciation of, 398 ; victory over, 416 work of, 370 Hutcheson, inspirer of Bentham, 287 Hutton, tribute of, to George Eliot, 303 Huys, Drouvn de 1', resignation of, its reason, 207 Imperialism, advocated by Sybel, 378 Indemnity demanded from France, after war of 1870. , 271 India, conduct of English in, Bright's strictures on, 475 Indian natives of Mexico, under Spanish rule, 144 Maximilian's half - measures with, -61 Inductive process, limitation of applica- tion to human actions, 321 Indulgences, Sixtus IV. 's attempt to restrain, 78 ; Adrian VI. 's atti- tude to, 78 Inequality, the real basis of, 183 Ingra, 221 Ingram, Mr., 391 Innocent IV., Pope, unworthy political successors of, 435 Inquisition, the, Creighton on, 435 restrictions on, sixteenth century, 63 Insurrection in posse, organisation of, a tradition of the great French Revolution, 262 Intolerance not confined to either Catholics or Protestants, temp. Charles II., 121 Ireland, Charles II. on his consideration for, in maintaining secrecy on his religion, 17 Irish army, reliance on, of Charles II.,
Isabella, Queen of Castile, deathbed request of, concerning Catharine's marriage, 34 Isabella, Queen of Spain, her overthrow, as affecting Napoleon III., 208 Italian affairs, 1525 and after, 10, n et seq. chronicles, early, fabulous, 364 history, fifteenth-century, writers and books on, 65 liberals, Mazzini's vindication of, -91 question, after the Congress of Paris, Cavour on, 189 States, before 1494, unwarlike habits of, 83 unity, notion of, stated by Mazzini,
; his prophecy anent, 193,
and see 195 seen in the Reform movements of ., 177 Italy, attitude of, during the war, 238-
; the overthrow of the Papal
power in, 260 Austrian rule in, ill-effects of, 199-200 French negotiations with, 1868-69.,
George Eliot in, 299 ; influence upon,
; later visit, 301