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the Emperor's greatest mistake in Mexican matters, id. ; abandon- ment by, of his protege, the reasons, 163 ; his prestige im- paired by, 227 mistake of, as to Austro - Prussian war, 296 ; idie fixe subsequent to, 227 mode of rule, 261 ; merit in French opinion, 261-2 Thiers's estimate of, 373 Napoleon, Prince, mission of (1868), to Berlin, abortive, 208 Narbonne, Talleyrand's criticism of, 404 ; intimacy with, 378 ; and rivalry, 408 National aggrandisement a leading aim with Cavour, 180 National Assembly, need for, 1870., 250, 260 ; dreaded by the Government, 261 ; Gambetta hostile to, 263 ; his submission, 269 ; its composition and temper, 270 National Guard, defined, 247 ; doings of, under the Republic, 249 et seq. National Union, policy of, in Central Italy, intrigues of, 195 National- Zeitung, opinion on German writers, 385 Navagero, 41 Navarre, King of, marriage of, to Margaret, Duchess of Alencon, 15 b* note Neander, 332, 352 estimate of, 359 Neapolitan inscriptions, rejection of, by Mommsen, 364 Necessity, Buckle's misleading use of term, 315, 316 Necker, denounced by Talleyrand,


Nelaton, and the malady of Napoleon III., 213 Nelson, Lord, and Napoleon's invasion of England, 451 Nepotism of Alexander VI., 79 Nesselrode, no bribe received from France by, 397 Talleyrand's message to, 412 Neutrality, Austrian and French, reasons for avoiding (1869-70), 211-12 Newman, Cardinal, George Eliot's admiration for, 288, 301 Lord Houghton's views on, 421 school of thought, 281 style of, Creighton's compared to,

. , , , 

New Testament, historical value ot, views of critics of Tubingen school on, 369 Newton, Isaac, discovery of, preceded by others, 287 Nice, annexation of, to France, 196,

Niebuhr, compared with Ranke, 353 influence of, on Lord Houghton, 415 opposed to historic scepticism, 364,

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Roman History, by, description and value of, 348, 349 Niel, Marshal, his reorganisation of the French army, 207 death of, 213 Nissen, 375 Nitzsch, 375 Noiseville, battle of, 246, 258 Nonconformists, English, after the Restoration, 93, 95, 217 North and South America, differences of, on political principles, 136-7 Northern (American) Republicans, abolition campaign of, 138 etseq. Northern tyranny, a cause of the American Civil War, 128 Oaths and intention, sixteenth-century ideas on, 50 O'Connell, Daniel, 342 Old Testament, Ewald, writer on, 370 Olier, instruction given by, to Charles II. in the Catholic faith, 89 Oliva, see Jesuits, # General of Ollivier, Count Emile, 212, 217, 227; and the Ems ' ' insult," 237, 487 ; Leopald's refusal of Spanish crown, 485 on German unity, 485 ; and France's proper attitude to it, 227 Opinions, personal, temptations to con- cealment, by historians, 373 Orange, Philibert, Prince of, made Cardinal, and why, 42 Orban, Frere, historical deductions of, 489 Orleanists, Lord Houghton's condemna- tion of, 421 Orleans, the army of the Loire at, 264 ; its defeat, 265 Orleans, Henrietta Stewart, Duchess of, her religion, 86 and the French alliance of 1670., -19 Duke of, Philippe Egalit6, in Talley- rand's Memoirs, 395 House of, prospects of, in 1871. , 270 ; and after, discussed, 271-2; Talleyrand's dislike of, 394, 395