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society which the Borgias set themselves to abolish in the dominions of the Church, and the influences which determined their unrelenting policy.[1] It was a pacific mission. The legate went unarmed to try the force of persuasion, and to test the moral authority of the papacy in a district where the idea of the State was quenched in feudal strife, and each man's safety consisted in the terror he was able to inspire. In his first letter, on the day of his arrival at Narni, he announced that he could accomplish nothing without troops, as the demons he had to deal with were not to be frightened with holy water.[2] The presence of a legate was so little heeded that Alviano, the same who afterwards commanded the Venetians when their power was broken at Agnadello, seized a town belonging to the Pope and sacked it almost before his face. Borgia sent for him, and summoned him to keep the peace. Alviano replied that he would gladly help the Pope to subdue his neighbours, but that he would destroy the town rather than give it up.[3] It was soon discovered that the legate was not followed by an army; and things grew worse.[4] The country was without police or law. The inhabitants of Todi, finding that there was no government to protect them, deserted the town in despair.[5] Brigands held unmolested sway, and were only checked by rival bands. At Perugia the legate caused a murderer to be put to death.[6] It was an immense achievement. Murder was

  1. The originals are among the manuscripts in St. Mark's Library (Lat. Cl. x. 176).
  2. E molto necessaria la provvisione de le genti d' arme contro questi demonii che non fugono per acqua sancta (July 16, 1497).
  3. Intendendo che quando l' antique sue rasoni non li siano sopra de quella da la Sta vostra instaurate, spianarla per modo che dire sepossa, qui fù Lugnano (July 17).
  4. Solo in la mia prima ionta in provintia cessarono un poco per timore dele gente d' arme, fo dicto me seguitavano, ma hormai reassicurati comensano nel primo modo offenderse et non dare loco ad mei commandamenti (July 27).
  5. Ricevo ad ogni hora da quelli proveri loro castelli querele miserabili che le prede et occisioni se le fanno tutta via maiuri. Per la qual cosa la Sa Va po ben comprendere che tucto lo remedio de questi mali consiste in la venuta de la gente d' arme, le quali tardando più forniscese el paese de Tode da desolare, essendo da la partita mia in qua la cita totalmente derelicta et lassata vacua (July 30).
  6. In questa cita hieri si fecero li bannamenti et con maraviglioso consenso sonno da tucti posti in observantia, et procedono le cose qui con tanta obedientia et quiete che meglio non si potriano desiderare (July 30). Dopo li Bandi-