Hic jacet
Corpus Carol! Le Clerc
Presbyt. huj. Coll. Alum.
Et Vice-Præses.
Judicio et Moribus ipsa adolescentia senex
Virtutis et Laboris
Insignis exemplar effulsit.
Mundi suique contemptor
Nil præter Deum quærens nil amore
Verbis parcus opere profusus.
Temporis accuratissimus œstimator
Correptus ex Nossocomiis Febre
Charitatis victima occubuit.
Die 6 Julii Œtatis 35 flentibus non solum
Coll. Incolis sed et quicumque
Olyssip. inhabitabant Britannis.
A.D. 1834.
The President in a letter addressed to the mother of the deceased announcing his death, thus writes: "Great as must be your affliction on this sad and unexpected event, I cannot think it can much have exceeded that which I myself experienced. I loved him and had reason to love him, and when with streaming eyes I sang the first Mass of Requiem over him, I could truly say with David, I wept over thee, my brother, I should rather say, my son, 'As a mother loveth her only son, so did I love thee. I will not at present add to your regret, by giving you the details of his admirable and saintly character, I will only say now that I never knew a death to cause so strong and universal a sorrow amongst the British public here, and amongst all the Portuguese that knew him as this has done.
"This College, in particular, deplores his loss as a most grievous calamity. Never, I firmly believe, since its foundation, did it possess a son so peculiarly qualified in every sense and so zealously inclined to forward its grand end, the formation of genuine ecclesiastics, as he was.
"Consummatus in brevi implevit tempora multa."