priest; left July 6, 1847; at St. Patrick s, Soho, 1847, till death, Oct. 13, 1885.
BARKER, Edward, ord. priest here, and died in London in 1684. Probably identical with Edward Barker, alias Vernalty who was at Douay College, on the apostolic pension, 1642-5; took the College oath, June 19, 1642, and that of the profession of faith, May 20, 1644. He was made archdeacon of the Chapter in 1649.
BARKER, Thomas, vide Kelly.
BARLOW, Edward, vide Booth.
BARNARD, James, born London, March 26, 1733, son of James Barnard and his wife Margaret Brown, protestants, was educated at the Bluecoat School, after which was employed for some time in a mercantile house in Seville, where became a Catholic, and was received into the English College in that city. He was conditionally baptized by Fr. Hieronymo de Hercc, March 23, 1756, and was confirmed by D. Dominico Perez de Rivera, Episcopo Gadarensi, March 23, 1757. There he was ord. priest, July 24, 1757; on July 19, 1758, he was admitted into the English College at Lisbon, where he studied theology, twice defending public theses, till July 17, 1761, when he was sent to the English mission. For some time he was chaplain at Cowdray, Sussex, where his first baptism is dated 12th Jan., 1762. How long he stayed there is not known, perhaps till the young protestant Viscount Montague came into possession in 1767. His missionary labours then seem to have been transferred to London, or vicinity, until his presentation by bishops Challoner and James Talbot to the presidency of the College at Lisbon, Aug. 5, 1776. He was formally installed Jan. 21, 1777, and so continued till his resignation in 1782. Returning to London, he succeeded the Rev. Joseph Bolton in the spiritual charge of the convent school at Brook Green, and also as Vicar General to Bishop Talbot, V.A.-L.D., in which office he died at his residence, 4, Castle-street, Holborn, Sept. 12, 1803, aged 70. Mr. Barnard was a member of the Old English Chapter. He published the following works: (i) " Life of … Richard Challoner," Lond., 1784; Dublin, 1793. (2) " Life of Ven. B.Joseph Labre," Lond., Coghlan, 1785, 12°, a translation. (3) "A Catechism," Lond., 1786, 12°, pp. 84. (4) "The