Page:Historical records of Port Phillip.djvu/107

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3 2 6 1 8 EARLY RECORDS OP PORT PHILLIP. 95 Monday, 14. a.m. — At 9 we came to the camp. What officers could be spared from H.M. ship Qalcutta came and dind at the camp off the kangaroo, and very excellent it was, the dimensions as follows : — F. I. Length from the end of the, tail to the nose . . . Of the hind leg- Fore leg Head Ear Neck Tail Yard Stone bag Breadth of the skin at the haunches Fore quarter It weigh'd when skin'd, the head off, liver, heart, and entrails taken out, 68 lbs. ; the skin of a dark brown color. Tuesday, 15. a.m. At 2 p.m. I went on board the Calcutta, where I slep ; at 5 p.m. the dimensions of a sea elephant killd on shore by the barge's crew of H.M. Ship Calcutta, at Port Phillip : — F. I. Length from the nose to the end of the tail ... 12 The round of the body ... ... ... 5 2 Weight more than 200 lbs. The skin of a light-brown colour ; the head like a bull-dog. Wednesd, 16. a.m. — At 4 the Ocean transport, Capt. Merthew, drop'd down near the harbours mouth ; at 8 brought too, the tide much against him ; at 9 I arrived at the Camp ; at ^-past, five of the con- victs that had escaped were brought to the camp ; at 11 burid the ship's cook of the Calcutta on shore. In the aft I went a shooting and kill a teal ; Lieut. Dowers and a party came and supd with me. Thursday, 17. a.m. — At 4 I went a shooting; no success : at 8 returned. At half-past ten Capt. Woodriff arrived at the camp with many of his officers that could be spared. 11 the garrison was under arms ; i-past all the convicts were clean dressd, and assembled on the left side of the Parade, and the Lieut. Governor's Commission was read by the Rev. E. Knopwood, Chaplain to the Colony ; when that was done, the Military fird three vollies, and all gave three cheers to His Honor. The day would have passd off with the greatest joy, but His Excellency! was obliged to punish the 5 deserters that were brought to the camp to deterr others from deserting, p.m. — ^ Captain Merthew got out of the Bay of Port PhiUip. _Note in margin.'] — Ocean arrid at Pt. Jackson on the 24 November. Friday, 18. a.m.— At 8 we observd H.M. Ship Calcutta standing for Arthers Seat ; and at o Lieut. Johnson, of the Royal Marines, Mr. Humphries, and self went in my boat for the first time to Yellows Point ; we caught some fish, but I killd a couple of very handsome ' So written. ^ Partially indistinct.