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102 EAKLY RECORDS OF POET PHILLIP. By His Honor David Collins, Esq., Lieutenant-Governor of a Settlement or Settlements to be formed in Bass's Straits, New South Wales. A plan of an association of the civil officers of the settlement having been submitted by them to the Lieut.-Governor, he is pleased to approve thereof, and to authorise them, which he hereby does, to carry the same into effect. The most probable means of this association rendering a service to the settlement is principally by forming a night watch, to patrole from the beating of the taptoo to that of the reveillie, during which time they will search such places as may be deemed necessary for the discovery of any felony, trespass, or misdemeanour ; and for the apprehension and securing for examination any person or persons who may appear to them concerned therein, either by entrance into any hut or dwelling, or by such other mean's as circumstances may render expedient. Cognizance is to be taken during the day, as well as by night, of such convicts as may sell or barter their clothing or provisions, as well as of such as gamble for either of the above articles or money ; and, upon detection, instantly place them in confinement. Upon receiving any information of a robbery having been committed during the night, they will use the most effectual means to trace out the offender or offenders, so that they may be brought to justice. One of the members of the association will, at the morning parade, report the occurrences of the night to the Lieut.-Governor, to whom they may have access at all hours. When challenged by a sentinel, the officer on duty will give the countersign, which shall be sent to the Eevd. Mr. Knopwood for that purpose at sunset. The persons who are joined with them in this duty will, when challenged, answer " Night watch," and advancing to the sentinel make themselves known as such. To prevent mistakes, their names will be left with the guard. As the military are to give every assistance they may require, so they will be cautious not to interfere with them in the discharge of their duty. Two of the undermentioned gentlemen will meet each night, taking with them four of the persons named hereafter ; and they will patrol at such hours as may be best calculated not to interfere with the military rounds or patroles. A tent will be pitched for their accommodation in the rear of the guard tent ; and the front of the tent is to be considered as their alarm post, where all the members of this association will assemble and wait for orders when the drum shall beat to arms. The gentlemen will each be provided with a brace of pistols, and suitable ammunition. The other persons will each be furnished with a short staff. This association is to take place on Monday the 2d of January 1804. Officers of the association and principles of the night watch : — Eevd. Mr. Knopwood, Mr. Janson, Mr. Bowden, Mr. Humphrey, Mr. Harris, Mr. Fosbrook, Mr. Hopley.