EARLY RECORDS OF PORT PHILLIP. 123 report of a f^xm, and likewise in the nigh ; supposed a ship in Frede- rick Henry Bay. C.S., Somers. Friday, 22. a.m. — At 7 Mr. Collens in the white cutter and black boat went into Ralphs Bay, with an intention to go to Frederick Henry. Continual rain all this morn. At 4 p.m. we observd a ship coming up the river. At 9 Lieut. Johnston landed from the Ocean, which had brought the party we had left at Ft. Phillip, after a passage of thirty-three days, during which she had a gale ; 21 days laying under her bare poles, expecting for some days that the ship would have went down, the sea so high, and the wr. so bad. C.S., Coke. Saturday, 2Z. a.m. — Moderate. Tlie O^rm?? under sail. At 11 Mr. Mountgarret and Mr. BroTa came from Risdon. At 4 p.m. I went there with them, and slept at Mr. Mountgarrets. C.S., Ocean. Sunday, 24. A.M. — At 11 performd divine service. At 5 p.m. came home and waited upon the Lt. Governor. Ocean not come up. C.S., Mansfield. Monday, 25. a.m. — The Ocean under sail. At 4 p.m. she came to an anchor in Sullivan Cove. At 5 I dind with Lt. Lord and Lt. John- stone. In the eve Capt. Mertho and Lt. Sladden and Mr. Janson came there. The camp equipage landed. C.S., Mertho. Tuesday, 26. a.m. — At -^-past 10 the Marines landed from the Ocean, and the prisoners landing their things. At 1 p.m. my man Salmon killd a kangarro ; length from the end of the tail to the nose seven feet two inches, length of its tail 3 f. 4 i. and a half, the weight of one hind qr. 25 lb., circum-fr. of the tail 1 foot 4 inch. ; the whole weight of the kannarro was 150 lbs. Wednesday, 27. a.m. — At 10 Mr. Wilson, from Risdon, came to the camp. At 3 p.m. all the prisoners landed and encampd at Hobart Town. Lt. Johnstone and Mr. Wilson dind and stayd all night at my marque. C.S., Hall. Thursday, 28. a.m. — Lt. Johnstone and Mr. Wilson breakfasted with me, and I walked to the farms with Mr. W. ; he took a boat to Risdon. Lt. Johnstone dind with me. This eve we heard a great many whales in the river very near us. C.S. Raymonds. Friday, 29. A.M. — Mr. Harris and Lt. Johnston breakfasted with me. In the eve we dind with Mr. Harris. C.S., Jacobs. Saturday, 30. a.m. — At 10 Groves and self walked to the farm'; and in the eve Mr. Fosbroke, Mr. Harris, and Lt. Johnston dind with me. I killd 3 kangaroo rabbits. C.S., Farm. Sunday, July, 1. a.m. — At 9 I married Mr. Ingle to Miss Rebecca Hobbs. At ^-past 10 Lt. Johnston and self went to Risdon, by order of Lt.-Governor Collins, and performd divine service there. We passed so many whales that it was dangerous for the boat to go up the river, unless you kept very near the shore. At 4 p.m. we dind with Capt. Bowen, and Lt. Sladden came there in the eve. We were going from his house I spraind my ankle very bad, and was obliged to sleep at Lt. Moore's. In the eve continual rain. C.S., Carlton. Monday, 2. a.m. — All this morn continual rain. At 1 1 Mr. Wilson and self came from Risdon to Hobart Town. p.m. — Do. wr.
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