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128 EARLY RECORDS OF PORT PHILLIP. Sunday^ 19. a.m. — Mr. Harris breakfasted with me. At 12, Captain Sladden, Lt. Johnson, Mr. Harris, and self, went on board the Lady Barlow to settle our bills, &c., with Capt. MacAskill. At 6 p.m. I dind with Lt. Johnson, and Capt. Rhodes calld upon me there. They all went on board the Lady Barloiv^ and stayd very late. C.S., George. Monday^ 20. a.m. — At 9 the masons began to lay the foundation of my house, and the carpenters at work ; the Lady Barlow making preparations for sailing. Tuesday^ 21. a.m. — At 10 a boat came from the Alexander, whaler, Captain Robt. Rhodes. 11, Lieut. Johnson and self went on board and dind. At 7 Capt. MacAskill and Mr. Collins came on board and stayd some time. In the eve it blew very fresh, and they went on board. Wednesday, 22. a.m. — At 9 Capt. Rhodes and self went out in search of kangarrois, but could not see any. We returnd to dinner. Thursday, 23. a.m. — At 10 Capt Rhodes and self came to the camp, and in the eve dind with Lt. Johnson. Mr. Bowden and Mr. Fosbrook came and spent the eve there. Hamond. Friday, 24. a.m. — Capt. Rhodes slept at my marq^ue and breakfasted with me. C. S., Oldman. Saturday, 25. a.m. — At 11 took a walk with my gun and dogs. Killd a small brush kangarro. Continuel rain and very hard squalls of wind. Lt. Johnson dind with me. Very hard gales of wind during the eve. C.S., Defiance. Sunday, 26. a.m. — Severe gales of wind with hard rain. At 8 more moderate. 10, saw Capt. Rhode of the Alexander, whaler, kill 2 whales. Lt. Johnson dind with me. C. S., Victor. Monday, 27. a.m. — More moderate but hot winds from the N. West. In the afternoon walk to the farm with Lt. Johnson and returnd home to dinner. G-roves came and sat with me in the eve. Very hard gales of wind. Tuesday, 28. a.m. — Very hard gales during the night and morning. At 8 more moderate and rain. Took a long walk ; and at 5 dind with Lt. Lord and Humphry, Capt. and Mrs. Sladden there. C.S., Wednesday, 29. a.m. — At 1 1 Lt.-Governor and self went <-o the farm, and when he returnd he gave me the counter sign, which is to be delivered every day to me. C.S., Venus. Thursday, 30. a.m. — At 1 1 Lt. Governor Collins swore the following* gentlemen in as magistrates, as appointed by His Excellency Gov. King : — Revd. R. Knopwood, Wm. Sladden, G. P. Harris, Esq. At 5 p.m. Mr. Harris, Lt. Johnson, and Mr. Fosbrook dind with me. C.S., Juno. Friday, 31. a.m. — At 11 Capt. Sladden, Mr. Harris, and self sat as majtrates, concerning Mr. Blinkworth, a settler. In the eve much rain. C.S., Mars. Saturday, 1 September, a.m. — At 10 took a walk; saw no kangarro. At 3 p.m. rain. At 5 I dind with Lt. Johnson, and as we were sitting down to dinner a large kangarro came very near his marque, and through the camp, -^-past 9, the centinel fird at a man near the magazeene, and he escaped. C.S., CuUoden. Sunday, 2. a.m. — Moderate and clear weather. Capt. Rhodes calld upon me. p.m. — At 4 rain. At 5 Lt. Johnson and Captain Rhodes dind with me, and he stayd all night. C.S., Elliott.