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Page:Historical records of Port Phillip.djvu/142

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130 EAKLY RECORDS OF PORT PHILLIP. Tuesday, 18. a.m. — Fresh breezes and clear. At 2 p.m. thunder. At 6 I dind with Lt. Johnson ; and had a very severe gale, with hard rain, i-past 10, the drum. C.S., Leeth. Wednesday, 19. a.m. — At 3 very bad wr. ; and at 6 the wind and rain very much. At 8 the mountain was coverd with snow. 11, I walkd to the farm, and killd a kangarro. Sent my man forward to Mr. MUlers, the settlers, where he slept. Lt. Johnson dind with me. C.S., Alert. Thursday, 20. a.m. — At 9 I went to the farm in my boat to meet my man, who was out at Mr. Millers, the settler, to kill a kangarro ; at 11 he came there ; had bad luck, killd only one. I met Lt. Johnson at the farm, and we went and called upon Martha Hays. Lieut. Johnson rode to Hobert Town, Capt. Bowens mare.^ At 4 p.m. dind with Mr. Bowden, and met there Lt. Johnson and Mr. Fosbrook. C.S., Bognor. Friday, 21. a.m. — The day very hot from the N.W. winds. At 1 p.m. Lt. Gov. Collins and Mrs. Powers went in my boat to the farm ; they took their provision with them to dine. Sent my man Salmon to Eisdon to kill kangarro. Lt. Lord returnd from the opposite side of the river, and kill 5 kangarros. Hackin, the Lt. Gov. keeper, came from the settlers farm and brought in 4 with him. C.S., Broadstairs. Sat. 22. A.M. — The day very hot. At 3 p.m. rain, and heard thunder. This day I began to dig a well at my new garden. At 1 p.m., it being H.M. Coronation day, the colors were hoisted. C.S., Happy reign. Sunday, 23. a.m. — Rain at 10. 1 p.m. I went to the farm and performd divine service; returned to Hobert Town, and Lt. Johnson dind with me. My man Salmon returnd from Risdon, and brought three large kangarros, which my young dogs killd — Spot and Alexander. C.S., Parsons. Monday, 24. a.m. — The wr. very hot, and the large flies begin to be very troublesome. I stayd at home all the morn upon justice business and Mr. Harris. Returnd 56 lbs. of kangarro into H.M. store, for the use of the sick, at 6d. per lb. C.S., Melbourne. Tuesday, 25. a.m. — At 11 Mr. Harris and self markd out a place of 2 acres for a garden. Martha Hays and mother came to the camp and calld on me. C.S., Gloucester. Wednesday, 26. At 11 I went in my boat with my dogs part of the way to Risdon. Killd a wild duck. At 4 p.m. Lieut. Johnson met me, and we went across the water to Risdon. We went out to look for kangaroos ; no success ; returnd and slept at Mr. Mountgarrets house. When Salmon met us on the 22nd inst. he caught a young kangarro, and left it with the 2 men that were there as watch over the convicts ; the creature is so tame that it followed one of the men down to where the boat lai'd, a mile from the house. In the eve it ran about the room, and playd with the dogs ; not one of them ofFerd to kill it. Thursday, 27. At 4 a.m. we got up. At 6 we went out and had a very long walk up the mountains. At 9 we returnd home to break- fast ; we saw only one kangarro, which we killd. At 1 p.m. Lt. Johnson and self came to my boat from Risdon to Hobert Town, and we dind with Mr. Fosbrook. C.S., Adolphus.

  • First mention of any horse in the colony.