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EARLY RECORDS OF PORT PHILLIP. 137 up the Hnou to the 1 fall. The river is by no means so fine as the Derwent, and as for the land there is none not even fit for a garden. At the first fall there is a small island in the middle of the stream. At ^ past 1 we returnd, and arrived at the Camp Point, where we left in the morn, where we dind and slept. Saturday^ 24. a.m. — At day light we got up, and at 3^ a.m. made sail. At 8, or after, we all got on board the Alexander^ where she was laying near the Isle of Huon, in the Straights. Sunday, 25. a.m. — At 10 a breeze sprung up. Mr. Harris, Groves, and self, went in the Government boat, and on our leaving the ship we gave them three cheers. Capt. Ehodes hoisted his pendant, and we were cheerd by all the crew. We went into a bay calld La Petit Anse, on the N.E. It being Sunday, and having come some way, I gave orders for the tents to be pitch'd, roasted some black swans, and there we slept. We observd many of the native fires. At 11 a.m. Capt. Rhodes saild back into the Straights. In Storm Bay Streights, 1804. Monday, 26. a.m. — Very early this morn we breakfasted, and at 6, with a party of our men, with Mr. Harris and Groves, went up a mountain, steering a N.E. b. E. course, and with very great difficulty we got up to the top of the mountain. We were three hour and a half going about 1 mile and a half. Upon the top we see a very fine cedar and sassafras. At 12 we returnd ; got every thing ready for sailing. At past 1 saild, and went into a bay near [the rest left blank]. We slept on the west side of Storm Bay Passage. Tuesday, 27. a.m. — At 6 we breakfasted, and prepared to sail to Hobert Town. 13 minutes past 7 made sail, wind south. Green Island E.N.E. At 12 we observd the Alexander, Capt. Ehodes, under sail, beating out of the Streights. ^ At ^ past 1 we got on board. The wind came quite calm. At 6 we observd a schooner coming up the river. I sent the pilot, Henry Hakin, on board to take care of her. The wind ^ We all slept on board. Wed., 28. A.M. — At 7, Mr. Harris and Groves went in the Govern- ment boat to Hobert Town after breakfast. Capt. Rhodes and self went in his boat. At ^ past 10 we arrived. I waited on the Governor. At 11, the George, schooner, Capt. Stewart, anchord m the Bay. I dind with the Governor. Capt. Rhodes slept in my marque. We were all much delighted with the excursion, and indebted to Capt. Rhodes for his kind attention to us. I brought the Houen pine home with me ; the first seen. Friday, 29. a.m. — Capt. Rhodes breakfasted and dind with me and Mr. Johnson. Found that the ground at my garden would not do. The well was very bad ; salt water. C.S., Bufi'alo. ' Correctly copied. It should probably be 5. ' Correctly copied. ' Something left out here. [C]