Page:Historical records of Port Phillip.djvu/41

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Sullivan Bay, 20th Oct. 1803.

General Orders.

Parole—Delivery.C. Sign—Dispatch.

This bay and the harbour in general being unfortunately full of voracious sharks and stingrays only, it is recommended to the convicts not to go into the water without the utmost precaution, and they are positively prohibited from bathing in front of the encampment.

Garrison Orders.

The garrison court-martial held this day is dissolved, and 1st-Lt. Menzies will re-embark on board His Majesty's ship Calcutta. The sentence of the garrison court-martial held this day, will be put into execution this evening at retreat beating.

Sullivan Bay, 21st Oct. 1803.

General Orders.

Parole—Explore.C. Sign—Tuckey.

Garrison Orders.

The detail for duty only.

Sullivan Bay, 22nd Oct. 1803.

General Orders.

Parole—Duty.C. Sign—Attention.

A general muster of all the male convicts will take place on Monday morning next, at seven o'clock. They will understand that no provisions will be issued to such as do not attend, and those who are absent will be punished. The Commissary will issue clothing to the convicts as soon as a sufficient quantity is landed from the ship. The officers and others who have been allowed convicts to attend on them, will immediately make a return thereof to the Commissary, and the superintendants and overseers of gangs will make a return to him of the people employed by them respectively, a report of which is to be made to the Governor.

Garrison Orders.

The troop will beat at ten in the morning, at which time the guard will mount, until further orders. The detachment being divided into parade companies, 1st-Lt. Johnson will take command of the 1st, and 2nd-Lt. Lord that of the 2nd parade companies.

22nd Oct. 1803.

General After Orders.

The settlers and convicts will assemble to-morrow morning in front of the marine encampment, at eleven o'clock, for the purpose of attending Divine service to return thanks for our prosperous voyage and safe arrival in this harbour. The convicts will attend as clean as their present situation will admit.