Page:Historical records of Port Phillip.djvu/70

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62 EARLY EECORDS OF PORT PHILLIP. Sullivan Bay, 19th Jany. 1804. General Orders. Parole — Gibbs. C. Sign — Crane. Garrison Orders. Detail for duty only. Sullivan Bay, 20tli Jany. 1804. General Orders. Patrole — Eiclies. C. Sign — Baker. The Lieut.-Governor hopes the return of Danl. McAllenon will have convinced the prisoners of the misery that must ever attend those who are mad enough to abscond from the settlement. To warn them from making an attempt of a similar nature they are informed that, although this man left his companions on the fifth day after their departure hence, they all began to feel the effects of their imprudence, and more of them would have returned had they not dreaded the punishment which they were conscious they deserved. Their provi- sions were nearly expended, and they had no resources. They lived in constant dread of the natives, by whose hands it is more than probable they have by this time perished, or if this should not have happened, how is it possible that strong hardy men who were always able to consume even more than the liberal allowance of provisions which is issued to them, can exist in a country which nowhere affords a supply to the traveller. The Lieut.-Governor can by no means account for this strange desertion of the people ; were they ill-treated, scantily fed, badly clothed, or wrought beyond their ability, he should attribute it to these causes, but as the reverse is the case, he is at a loss to discover the motive. He thinks it necessary to advise them not to harbour or supply with their provisions any people who may quit the settlement, as it is his fixed determination to punish them Avith greater severity than he would the infatuated wretches themselves. He is concerned that the several prisoners who are now absent must be left to perish, as by McAUenon's account they are beyond the reach of every effort he might make to recall them to their duty. Divine service will be performed on Sunday next if the weather permits. Detail for duty only. Garrison Orders. Sullivan Bay, 21st Jany. 1804. General Orders. Parole — Wilson. C. Sign — Adams. Mr. Wm. NicQlls is appointed a Superintendent of Convicts, and is to be observed as such, he will take upon him the direction of the carpenters belonging to the colony. Samuel Gunn will direct the department of shipwrights, and John Fell will assist the storekeeper