History and Adventures
Jack Mansong.
THIS daring maurader, whose name was Mansong, was a native of Africa, was of a bold and martial appearance, possessing a keen and penetrating eye. The steadiness of his manner and firm intrepidity of his mind commanded the reverence of those who, like him, wielded the servile spade ; and the overseers of the plantation would tremble as they smote him for neglect of duty.
This very extraordinary man, unaided by either accomplice or associate, bid defiance for near two years, to the military and civil power of the island of Jamaica.
Onowauhee, the father of our hero, dwelt at Simbing, in the interior of Africa, adjoining the country of the Moors. Simbing is scarcely a day's journey from Jarra, a large Moorish town situated at the bottom of some rocky hills. He was in the decline of years ; and his bullocks were frequently stolen by the Moorish robbers, who came in large parties, and plundered the peaceful inhabitants of their property.
Mansong was now grown to manhood ; and he took upon himself the protection of his father's cattle. One day a large party of the Moors came down, and drove before them the finest amongst the herds. The people stood at the doors of their huts affrighted, but Mansong lifted high his javelin, and struck it to the heart of the leader of the Moorish robbers, who fell dead upon the plain.