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mSTOBT OF BISHOP AUOKLAND. 47 diawn up once more, and old John killed over again, to the still greater satisfaction of a shouting and delighted audience ? The following is a fac-nmUe of an old theatrical bill in which Borrowdale's name appears as one of the performers ; but, it will be observed, there is an eiror in the spelling of his name, the letter "u being &ubstituted for the letter "o**: — Theatre, Biihop Auckland. FOR THE BENEFIT OF Mrs. BRETTON. On Evening, 1812, Will be prefented a cekbrated hiftorkal Tragedy (niver aSed here)called the Earl of Warwick. The part of the Earl of Warwick by MR. BVRROWDALB. Sufiblk, Pembroke^ Harold, King Edward, Queen Margaret, Mr. WHITELOCK, Mr. ARMSTRONG, Mr. BRADY, Mrs. BRETTON, Mrs. BRADY, Lady CliiToi^, Mrs. ARMSTRONG, Lady EUzabeth Gray, Mifs BRADY, A Song by Mifs Brady. A comic Song by Mr. WHITELOCK. A Song by Mr. Bortowdak. AN EPILOGUE IN THE CHARACTER OF Tom Thumb, Bj Mifi M: HJLLJM. A Dance by Mifs Brady. A DANCE BY MISS M. AND E. BRADY. To which will be added (by Define) the Farce of the KING and MILLER of Mansfield. King, Mr. WHITELOCK, Dick, Mra. BRETTON, Lord Lurewell, Mr. ARMSTRONG, Keeper, Mr. BRADY, The Miller by Mr. BURROWDALE, Margery, Mra. ARMSTRONG, Kate, Mn. HALLAM, Peggy, Mifs BRADY, Pit— 2s.— GalL Is. To beg^ at 7 o'clock. Tickets to be had of Mn. BRET- TON, at Mn. BO WREN'S, Back-bond Gate. Brockett, Printer, Durham, The author feels sony in not being able to give his readers a copy of the " Auckland Hunt," which so oft contributed to the amusement of the inhabitants in times long before Mechanics' Institutes or Penny Readings were ever dreamt o£ He, however, subjoins a fragment Digitized by Google —