Page:History of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob.pdf/11

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Esau sells his Birthright to Jacob.

After the happy consummating of Isaac's marriage with Rebekah, Abraham lived many years, till at length transported to that better and heavenly country; having spent one hundred and seventy-five years in the exercise of holy virtues and graces. God, after his death, multiplied his blessings on Isaac his son. But they had been twenty years married without having any children, when Isaac prayed the Lord for his wife's sake for children, and he was heard, and Rebekah was delivered of male twins. The Divine oracle stated that the elder should serve the younger. When these two children were grown up, Jacob, the youngest, on a time sod lentil pottage, and Esau, returning from hunting, extremely hungry, with greediness desired, this pottage, which Jacob perceiving, would not part with it till he had promised to sell him his birthright in consideration thereof, to which Esa