Page:History of American Journalism.djvu/281

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The first five papers in Nebraska were printed in Iowa. The first of these, and incidentally, the first printed in Nebraska, was The Nebraska Palladium. Number 1 was dated July 15, 1854, and was printed at St. Mary's, a hamlet just below Bellevue on the Iowa shore of the Missouri River. The first number to be printed in Nebraska was that of November 15, 1854. For the privilege of turning off the first number, E. N. Upjohn gave one dollar. From that date on until April 11, 1855, it was a distinctly Nebraska-made publication. While Thomas Morton was its publisher, Daniel Reed & Company were set down as editors and proprietors.

The second paper in Nebraska was The Omaha Arrow, dated at Nebraska City, but printed at Council Bluffs, Iowa. It first appeared July 28, 1854, and was discontinued December 29 of that year. Its publishers were J. W. Pattison and J. E. Johnson. The former of these is credited with the honor of being the editor, and doubtless was the author of the following introductory remark in the first issue of the paper: "Well, strangers, friends, patrons, and the good people generally, wherever in the wide world your lot may be cast, and in whatever clime this Arrow may reach you, here we are, upon Nebraska soil. Seated upon the stump of an ancient oak, which serves for the editorial chair, and the top of our badly abused beaver for a table, we purpose inditing a leader for The Omaha Arrow."

In spite of the fact that The Arrow was never printed in Nebraska, it attracted much attention from a contemporary press. In its eleventh issue it published five columns of notes about itself clipped from other newspapers.

On May 5, 1858, The Nebraska Republican, dated at Omaha, but printed at Council Bluffs, Iowa, appeared with E. F. Shneider and H. J. Brown as editors and publishers. In 1859 its name was changed to The Omaha Republican and E. D. Webster became its editor. The Nebraska News was originally printed in Sydney, Iowa, by Dr. Henry Bradford, but on November 14, 1854, it was removed to Nebraska City and published in the second story of the Block House of old Port Kearny. It was owned by the