Page:History of American Journalism.djvu/322

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on the rail.

Did he think that I forgave him?

Did he think I was an ass? Did he think I'd love my enemies,

And let the occasion pass?

If he did he was mistaken,

And I guess he knows it now, For I nipped him at Chicago,

And I made a precious row.

I was slow to wrath against him,

When I bore defeat and pain, But I've waited for him patiently,

And I did n't wait in vain.

Now they swear at me, the vipers,

But they swear a good way off, For they know the gallant Greeley,

At the best of them will scoff.

And they know he's used to swearing,

(Tho' it's very wrong to swear) So they curse his seedy garments,

And they blast his yellow hair.

But little cares the Greeley

What his enemies may say, When he knows the grayhound Seward,

Is a dog that's had his day.

With the nomination of Lincoln came the close of this period,