, 15
Harrison, William Henry, 173, 208, 220
Hartford Convention, 141
Haskell, D. M., 186
Hay, John, 342
Headlines, 93, 367, 422
Hearst, William Randolph, 337, 372
Heiss, J. P., 261
Henry, Robert, 171
Herald, Boston, 191, 262
Chicago, 375
New York, 193, 262, 263, 287, 311, 318, 342, 356, 345, 357
Omaha, 246
San Francisco, 263 High-tariff papers, 146 Hildreth, 108 Hill, Isaac, 149 Hitchcock, G. M., 246 Holly, Alanson, 231 Holt, Charles, 103 Holt, Hamilton, 409 Holt, John, 52, 85, 88, 95 Hough, George, 167 Howells, William Dean, 210, 338 Hudson, Frederic, 200 Hunter, 51
Hurlburt, William H., 370 Hyde, William, 338
Ice funds, 357
Idaho, early papers, 252
Illinois, early papers, 181
Indian papers, 232, 235
Indiana, early papers, 177
Inks, printing, 63, 308, 386
Innovations of New York Herald, 198
Iowa, early papers, 234
Irving, John, 138
Irving, Peter, 138
Irving, Washington, 138
Irving, William, 138
Isler, Peter, 171
Jackson, Andrew, 149, 162, 173, 189,
193, 227, 279, 340 Jay, John, 121
Jefferson, Thomas, 105, 112, 122 Jennings, L. J., 329 Johnson, James, 58 Jones, George, 270 Journal, Boston, 259, 263, 336
Chicago, 265, 281, 342
Commerce, of, 200
Connecticut, 52
Dayton, 378
Detroit, 412
Freeman's, 90
Journal, Holt's New York, 85, 88 Maryland, 94, 96 Milwaukee, 360 Minneapolis, 300, 379 New Hampshire, 133 New Jersey, 61, 87 New York Evening, 367 New-York Weekly, 38, 43 Ohio State, 338 Pennsylvania, 82, 90 Providence, 146, 425 South Carolina Weekly, 47 Journalism, beginnings in colonies. See Beginnings in States and Territories beginnings in Rome, 2 birth of English, 6 Chicago, 374 commercial, 352 history repeated, 264 origin of sensational, 4 religious, 413 rural, 404 Siamese Twins, 26 Washington, 291
Kansas, early papers, 232
journalism, 280 Kansas-Nebraska Bill, 280 Keeley, James, 375, 393, 509 Keimer, Samuel, 33 Kendall, Amos, 226 Kendall, G. W., 259 Kensey, S. A., 248 Kentucky, early papers, 169 Kenyon, Frank, 252 Killen, Jacob, 56 Kimmel, S. H., 181 King, Henry, 322 King, John, 234 Kingsley, J. L., 189 Kollock, Shepard, 61, 90, 135
Label for advertisements, 397
Labor conditions, 96, 277
Land-grab exposure, 272
Laws, honest advertising, 394
Leader, Des Moines, 378
Ledger, Philadelphia, 278
Lee, H. G., 237
Leggett, William, 203, 214, 224, 369
Letters, to editors, 318
Libel suits, Cooper vs. Commercial
Advertiser, 222 Cooper vs. Courier & En- quirer, 221
Cooper vs. New York Trib- une, 222