Page:History of American Journalism.djvu/503

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, 212

Stereotyping improvements, 189, 311

Stewart, Andrew, 54

Stokes, Benjamin, 177

Stone, Melville E., 42, 375, 385, 413, 415

Storey, Wilbur F., 286

Stout, Elihu, 177

Stowe, H. B., 262

Strike, first printers', 96

Subscribers, poor pay, 38, 43, 58, 65,

68, 113, 178, 383 Summary, New London, 52 Sun, Baltimore, ,190, 219, 259

New (York, 187, 212, 267, 309, 325, 368, 385

Shawanoe, 232

San Francisco, 264

True, 188

Sunday newspapers, 309, 379, 419 Suppression of news, 430, 441, 442 Suspension of Southern newspapers, 289

Tabloid newspapers, 373 Tariff newspapers, 146 Taxes, Massachusetts, 79

Newspapers on, 79

New York, 80

United States, 346

Virginia, 275 Taylor, Charles H., 438 Taylor, Zachary, 262 Tea Party, Report of, 86 Telegram, Toledo, 378 Telegraph, 273, 317, 353 Tennessee, early papers, 174 Tennessean, Nashville, 335, 360 Texas, early papers, 216 Texas Republic journalism, 216 Thomas, Isaiah, 36, 85, 116, 133 Tilden, S. J., 327, 341 Time, eleven days lost, 77 Times, Boston, 191

Chicago, 286

Los Angeles, 377

New York, 226, 279, 288, 298, 312, 318, 438

Philadelphia, 363

Troy, 359

Times-Star, Cincinnati, 378 Timothy, Lewis, 47 Timothy, Peter, 48 Titcomb, Benjamin, Jr., 168 Topliff, Samuel, 185, 217 Tory press, 141 Towne, Benjamin, 90 Trading stamps, with newspapers, 412 Transcript, Albany, 190

Transcript, Baltimore, 190 Boston, 436 New York, 188 Philadelphia, 190, 193 Transition Period, 206 Tribune, Boston, 331

Chicago, 265, 276, 281, 342,

390, 426, 447 Detroit, 379 Kansas, 233, 281 Minneapolis, 379 New York, 209, 213, 222, 258, 272, 276, 281, 285, 287, 291, 295, 298, 311, 318, 323, 362, 379

Triumvirate, Van Buren, 150 Tweed Ring exposed, 329 Tyler, Moses C., 81 Typographical unions, 277, 362, 368 Typography, 62, 64, 279, 317

United Press, 375, 385, 416 United States Bank, 156, 192 United States Daily, 412 I Universal Instructor in all the Arts and Sciences; and Pennsylvania Gazette, 34 Utah, early papers, 242 Utah war, 243

Van Anden, Isaac, 20 Van Buren, Martin, 150, 193, 208, 261 Van Buren triumvirate, 150 Vanity Fair, 283 Vault, William, 236 Vermont, early papers, 166 Villard, Oswald G., 416, 431 "Villain Raymond," 272 Vincent, George E. f 430 Vindicator, 236 Virginia, early papers, 50 Vituperation of press, 143, 197, 319

Wait, Aaron E., 238

Wait, Thomas B., 167

Wall-paper editions, 306

Walter, Cornelia, 185

Walter, Lynde N., 185

War, correspondents, 260, 288, 289,

293, 294, 364, 427 expenses, 328, 365 newspaper, 29, 38 Warner, Charles Dudley, 74, 226, 353,


Washington, attack on, 104 Washington, early papers, 244 Watterson, Henry, 300, 325, 341, 379,