- Baptist Meeting-house, 13, 14, 123, 124, 125; removal of, 134.
- Baptists, persecution of, 114, 118, 119, 130, 138.
- Baptist Church. First in Massachusetts, 112 to 135, 200.
- Barnard, Henry, 529.
- Barnes Family, 595.
- Barnes, Joane, 172.
- Barnes, John, 378,
- Barnes, Levi, 378.
- Barnes, Peleg, 473.
- Barnes, Samuel A., 506.
- Barnes, Samuel, 255, et seq., 378, 473, 490.
- Barnes, Thomas, 89, 145, 158,595.
- Barney, Israel, 317.
- Barnum, Isaac T., 430, 506, 601.
- Barrington Industries, 555 to 561.
- Barrington Water Co., 427, 560.
- Barrington in Dorr War, 493-497.
- Barrington, New, 512-523.
- Barrington, Troubled condition of, 512-13.
- Barrington, 1-16, 17, 33, 36, 61, 184 to 198, 284, 292 to 300.
- Barrington in the Revolution, 322-401.
- Barrington militia, 329-331.
- Barrington volunteers, 496.
- Bartram, William, 89, 145, 158.
- Bassett, Charles H., 321.
- Bay Colony, Attitude of toward Baptists, 185, 186.
- Bean, Benson, 321.
- Bean, Thomas Stacy, 378.
- Bean's Store, 559.
- Bear killed, 275.
- Beach, Town's, 421.
- Beers, Spicer, 378.
- Belchers, Creek and Cove, 83, 86, 103.
- Births, 273.
- Bicknell, Allin, 242, 430, 431, 435, 491, 493, 578.
- Bicknell, Asa, 378, 474.
- Bicknell, Elizabeth W., 233, 474, 578.
- Bicknell, George F., 506, 569.
- Bicknell, James, 260, et seq., 379.
- Bicknell, John W., 430, 598.
- Bicknell, Joshua, 233, 242, 311, et seq., 338, 341, 348, 360, 371, 379, 407, et seq. 416, 430, 431, 460, 580.
- Bicknell, Joshua, slaves, 285, 407.
- Bicknell, Joseph Peck, 568.
- Bicknell, Pero, 379.
- Bicknell, Peter, slaves, 286, et seq., 406.
- Bicknell, Pomp, 404.
- Bicknell, Rachel, 473.
- Bicknell, Ruth, 477.
- Bicknell, Thomas Williams, 242, 244, 430, 531, 539, 552, 577.
- Bicknell, Winchester, 379, 380, 474.
- Bicknell, Zechariah, 189, 195, 196, 218, 247 to 259, 429, 569.
- Bishop, Comfort, 380.
- Bishop, Ebenezer, 380.
- Bishop, Sylvanus, 380.
- Block Island discovered, 24.
- Bosworth, Edward, 209, et seq., 264, et seq., 326, et seq. ,380, 430.
- Bosworth, Jack, 403.
- Bosworth, John, 248, et seq.
- Bosworth, Jonathan, 82, 88, 152, et seq., 158.
- Bosworth, Jonathan, Jr., 380.
- Bosworth, Leonard S., 422, 426, 513, 559, 570.
- Bosworth, Samuel, 312, 338, 341, 342, 380, 381, 566, 581.
- Bosworth's Store, 559.
- Boulders, 3, 4.
- Boundaries, 1.
- Boundary line—dispute, 278, 279, 280; settled, 279.
- Bounty Fund, Civil War, 502, 503, 505.
- Bourne, Rev. Alexander Phenix, 539.
- Bourne, Rev. Shearjashub, 599.
- Bowden, Charles H., 243, 462, 506, 589.
- Bowden, Samuel F., 431, 589.
- Bowden, Wheaton B., 431, 589.
- Bowen, Allen, 422.
- Bowen, Henry,—tavern-keeper, 310 to 318, 381, 412, et seq.
- Bowen, James, 381, 411, et seq., 430, 431, 559, 602.
- Bowen, James A., 506.
- Bowen Tavern, 310 to 318.
- Bowen, Jeremiah, 430.
- Bowen, Josiah, 253, et seq., 381.
- Bowen, Judith R., 536.
- Bowen, Obadiah, 88, 146, 177, 182.
- Bowen, Obadiah, Jr., 146.
- Bowen, Richard, 77, 78, 79.
- Bowen, William, 474, 506.
- Bradford, John M., 477.
- Brace, Stephen, 145.
- Bradford, William, 58, 65, 67.
- Brenton, Ebenezer, 182.
- Brick Making, 515, 556, 591.