- Tablet, Memorial, 428.
- Tanner, Nicholas, 88, 121, 122, 127, 145, 158, 161, 258.
- Taunton, 48.
- Taverns, 15, 307 to 319.
- Taxes, Collectors of, 415.
- Taxes, Town, 260, 288, 289, 305, 306.
- Telegraph line, 560.
- Telephones, 561.
- Thomas, John, 121.
- Thomas, John, 182.
- Thorfinn, 18, 19, 20.
- Thurber, John, 88, 89, 146, 394.
- Thurston, Wilmarth Heath, 541.
- Ticknor, Josiah, 189.
- Tiffany, Ebenezer, 189, 218, 242, 243, 248, et seq., 306, 341, 394, 400, 422, 429, 430, 431, 434, 444, 560, 596.
- Tiffany, Ebenezer, Jr., iv, 431, 554.
- Tiffany Family, 596.
- Tiffany, Hezekiah, 429, 479.
- Tiffany, Humphrey, 596.
- Tiffany, Jessie Goodwin, 541.
- Tiffany, John C, 510.
- Tiffany, Recompence, 248, et seq.
- Tiffany, Sarah, 479.
- Tiffany, Scipio, 404.
- Tiffany, Thomas, 189.
- Titcomb, William G., 557.
- Titus, Simeon, 394.
- Tobin, John F., 542.
- Tobin, Robert, 599.
- Toll Bridge Company, 458, 459, 460, 461.
- Tom's Spring, 1, 13.
- Toogood, John, 189.
- Toogood, Nathaniel, 88, 146, 160.
- Toogood, Rachel, 478.
- Tooker, W. W., 9, 11, 13.
- Tories, Resolutions as to, 358.
- Torrey, John, 249.
- Torrey, Josiah, 195, 196, 249, et seq., 429.
- Torrey, Rev. Samuel, 247, 254, 255.
- Touissett, 12.
- Towns added to R. I., character of, 283.
- Town Clerks, 429.
- Town Hall, 422, 425, 426, 427, 428, 551, 552.
- Town Officers, 172 to 182, 247 to k273, 412 to 415, 429, 430, 431.
- Towns, organization of, 136, 137, 138.
- Towns, liberal policy, 137, 138.
- Town Meeting, April, 1898, 431.
- Townsend, Benjamin Bourne, 480.
- Townsend, George Robert, 479.
- Townsend, Martha, 481.
- Townsend, Nancy, 482.
- Townsend, Solomon, Jr., 319, 394, 420, 429, 430, 481.
- Townsend, Rev. Solomon, 224 to 229, 435, 436, 480.
- Townsend, Rev. Shearjashub B., 482, 542.
- Traffern, Cromwell, 394.
- Traffern, Capt. Philip, 351, 355, 356, 394, 395.
- Train Field, 256.
- Training Field, 14.
- Treasurers, Town, 429.
- Trees, Setting, 424-5-6.
- Trees, care of, 428.
- Tripp, Consider, 395.
- Trails, Indian, 446.
- Travel from Barrington to Providence, 457.
- Turner, Thomas, 189.
- Tyler, John, 429, 430.
- Tyler, Moses, 395, 430, 584.
- Tyler, William, 395.
- Tyler's Point, Cemetery, 125, 185.
- United Am. Workmen, 554.
- United Cong. Society, 432, 433, 434, 445}}.
- Valuation, Barrington, 291, 304, 523.
- Verrazzano's Explanation, 23-29.
- Verrazzano and the Wampanoags, 23-29.
- Viall, Allen, 395.
- Viall, Benjamin, 189, 211, 248, et seq., 429.
- Viall, Benjamin B., 517.
- Viall, B. W., 321.
- Viall, Constant, 211, 212.
- Viall Family, 595.
- Viall, George H., 510.
- Viall, John, 88, 308, 395, 595.
- Viall, Jonathan, 189, 209, 253, et seq.
- Viall, Joseph, 211, 212, 395.
- Viall, Josiah, 314, et seq., 395.
- Viall, Nathaniel, 395.
- Viall, Richmond, 602.
- Viall, Samuel, 395, 480.
- Viall, Sylvester, 242, 395.
- Viall, William Angell, 542.
- Viall, W. B., 321.
- Villages, Indians, 16.
- Vineland, 18, 19, 22,
- Volunteers, Barrington, in Dorr War, 496.