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for their living. The two eldest answered, that they had several lovers, who, they were sure, would be glad to have them, though they had no fortune; but in this they were mistaken, for their lovers slighted and forsook them in their poverty. As they were not beloved, on account of their pride, every body said, “They do not deserve to be pitied; we are glad to see their pride humbled; let them go and give themselves quality airs in milking the cows and minding their dairy. But,” added they, “we are extremely concerned for Beauty; she was such a charming sweet-tempered creature, spoke so kindly to poor people, and was of such an affable obliging disposition.” Nay, several gentlemen would have married her, though they knew she had not a penny; but she told them she could not think of leaving her poor father in his misfortunes, but was determined to go along with him into the coutry to comfort and attend him. Poor Beauty at first was sadly grieved at the loss of her fortune; “But,” said she to herself, “were I to cry ever so much, as that would not make things better, I must try to make myself happy without a fortune.” When they came to their country house, the merchant and his three sons applied themselves to husbandry and tillage;