Page:History of Cumberland, Maryland 2.djvu/532

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to act as a second Grenadiers company and to be posted upon the left of the Battalion, leaving the same Interval as the Grenadiers upon the Right; This company is to be kept compleat of OflBcers and two of them as well as of the other Grenadier company are to be posted in the Front and the other in the Rear.

The eight Battallian companies are to form so many Firings and to be commanded by their re- spective Officers. The commanding Officer of each company is to give the word, the second is to be posted in the center of the Front Rank and the remaining Subaltom Officers of the Regiment after this dispo- sition 'are to divide the ground equally: These Firings are to begin by the colonel's company, second by the Lieu^ col** and continued from Right to left as fast as possibly, but the two Captn« of Grenadiers are to take particular care never to give their Fire till the company's upon the Right and left are loaded. To avoid confusion if the Regiment should be ordered to wheel or fire by Platoons, every Officer commanding a company is to tell it off in two divisions and to post the second commissiond Officer and non commissioned Officer's, and when the Regiment decamps or are to form, the commanding Officer of the company is to instruct his mens arms, compleat the Files, Post the Officers and see his men loaded that they may wheel up and ye Battalion be instantly formed.

The Officers upon a march are to remain in the same Order with their companies, and Those Officers who were placed in the Rear are to march as posted which will consequently be upon the Flank as the Regiment moves by Files they are therefore required to keep the Soldiers in their Files, and if any lag behind one or more of these Officers is to bring them up.

Every Officer leaving his company upon a march