Page:History of Cumberland, Maryland 2.djvu/87

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Capitulation granted by M. de Villiers, Captain and commander of His Majesty's troops, to those English troops actually in Fort Necessity : July the 3d, 1754^ cU 8 o^ clock at night. As our intentions have never been to trouble the peace and good harmony subsisting between the two Princes in amity, but only to revenge the assassina- tion committed on one of our oflBcers, bearer of a summon, as also on his escort, and to hinder any establishment on the lands of the dominions of the KLing, my master; upon these considerations, we are willing to show favor to all the English who are in the said fort, on the following conditions.

Article I. We grant leave to the English commander to retire with all his garrison, and to return peaceably into his own country; and promise to hinder his receiving any insult from us French; and to restrain, as much as shall be in our power, the Indians that are with us.

Art. II. It shall be permitted him to go out, and carry with him all that belongs to them, except the artillery, which we reserve.

Art. III. That we will allow them the honors of war, that they march out with drums beating, and one swivel gun, being willing thereby to convince them, that we treat them as friends.

Art. IV. That as soon as the articles are signed by both parties, the English colors shall be struck.