Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/19

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open act of hostility—Organization of a vigilant committee in Harpersfield—Their service to the American cause—The names of members—The chairman—Col. John Harper dispatched by Congress on a mission to the Indians—His apparent success—Reception by the Indians—Great feast and other ceremonies—Harper returns — Intimacy between Brant and Harper—Copy of a letter—Indians prove treacherous—Affidavit of the Rev. Wm. Johnston—Driven •with his family from Sidney Plains—Obituary notice of Capt. Hugh Johnston—Effect of the intelligence communicated by Johnston along the frontiers—Letter from Harpersfield vigilant committee — Herkimer's mission—Singular interview between Gen. Herkimer and Brant—Speech of Brant—Failure of the expedition—Evacuation of Harpersfield—John Moore an early settler—"Warned of danger—Journey to Catskill—Accident—Enumeration of the inhabitants before the war—Scotchmen settle in the Valley of Wright's Brook—Story of the Scotchman and his gold—Capture of a party of Indians by Col. Harper—McDonald, a tory, invades Schoharie — Exposed situation of the settlement—Harper volunteers to go to Albany—Procures a company of cavalry—Marches to Schoharie — Disperses the enemy—Letter from Harper to Congress.

St. Leger Cowley—Contention between himself and a tory—Dispute settled by his wife—Capture of Cowley and Sawyer on the West Branch—Indian sports—Journey of the captives toward Niagara — Murder of their captors—Pursued by the Indians—Miraculous escape—Narrowly escape starvation in the wilderness—Arrival at a frontier settlement in Pennsylvania—Recruit and return to Schoharie—Procure a company of troops to aid in the removal of their families—First grist-mill on the West Branch—Death of Cowley—Indian revenge—Murder of McKee family—Capture of Miss Anne McKee—Compelled to run the gauntlet—Fort Niagara—Retaliatory expedition to the Indian territory—General Sullivan appointed to command—Detachment under Clinton—March down the Susquehanna—Union of Clinton and Sullivan near Tioga Point — Complete annihilation of Indian settlements—Expedition of Sullivan an expedition of discovery—Minisink an ancient Indian settlement—Massacre of the inhabitants—Battle of the Delaware —