Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/437

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superior grand lodge is composed of representatives from the inferior grand lodges, together with the following officers (who constitute the executive department of the order,) viz., the grandsire, deputy grandsire, grand recording secretary, grand corresponding secretary, grand treasurer, grand marshal, grand guardian, and grand chaplain. According to the first article of the constitution, this superior grand lodge "is the source of all true and legitimate authority in Odd Fellowship, within the United States of America—All State, district, and territorial grand lodges and encampments, assemble under its warrant, and derive their authority from it. It is the ultimate tribunal, to which all matters of general importance are to be referred, and its decisions thereon shall be final and conclusive. To it belongs the power to regulate and control the work of the order, and the several degrees belonging thereto; to fix and determine the customs and usages in regard to all things which concern Odd Fellowship. This grand lodge has inherent power to establish lodges and encampments in foreign countries. Such lodges and encampments shall work by virtue of a warrant granted by this grand lodge."[1]

Every minor lodge is required to make quarterly returns of all business done, to the grand lodge of the State or territory, and this again to the G-rand Lodge of the United States, so that the executive department is correctly and constantly informed in respect to all the proceedings of the inferior lodges, spread over the face of the country and extending into foreign lands. The principal business and objects of this association, so far as they are made public, are to provide a weekly allowance, for a brother when sick—the amount usually appropriated being 14 per week, except in the case of those holding certain offices, who are allowed $8 per week—an appropriation of $30, to cover funeral expenses of a brother, or half this amount if

  1. Article first, Const. G. L. of United States.