Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 9.djvu/332

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3 1 8 REIGN OF ELIZABE TH. [CH . 54. whatever will throw light upon his character deserves to be carefully studied. After the sharp burst of scorn with which he had spoken of the destruction of Hamilton he resumed his self-command, and pretending to be satisfied that his mistress must abandon the hope of recovering her liberty by revolution, he sketched to Sussex an outline of the conditions which he said that he was prepared to urge upon her acceptance. The sore subject of the title might be dropped conclusively. The Queen of Scots should promise never again to molest the Queen of England, and she *' should strengthen her obligations with her great seal and oath/ The Emperor and the Kings of France and Spain would be sufficient securi- ties. These Sovereigns would ' bind themselves to be- come her enemies if she broke her engagements,' and an Act of Parliament might then be passed in England cutting her ofi from the succession. The Queen of Eng- land ' should dispose of her in marriage ; ' ' the chief persons in Scotland that took her side should be host- ages for her, and the Queen of Scots should either reside freely herself in England or the Prince should come there in her place.' 1 These offers naturally appeared to Sussex ' as ample as upon the sudden he could conceive needed to be de- manded.' His one objection was that ' the performance of them depended only upon conscience, and rested in the will and liberty of the persons that should perform.' 1 Maitland to Sussex, June 29 ; Sussex to Maitland, July 5 : MSS. Scotland.