Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 9.djvu/368

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354 REIGN OF ELIZABETH. ICH. 55 of Anjou ; on the other the recollections of St Queiitin still rankled ; in alliance with Elizabeth and the Prince of Orange, France might appear as the champion of liberty and expel the Spaniards from the Low Countries. To ascertain which of these tendencies was likely to prevail, a young statesman of supreme ability was despatched on a special mission to the French Court. The early history of Francis Walsing- ham is almost a blank : he was born at Chiselhurst in Kent, in what year is uncertain, nor is anything known of the occupation or station in life of his parents. He was at Cambridge during the Marian persecution, and to escape conformity took refuge in Germany, but for the ten years after he returned to England nothing was publicly heard of him. A note from him on the murder of Darnley however, in November 1568, shows that by that time he had been admitted into Cecil's confidence. He had been selected for the delicate duty of watching the Italian Ridolfi during the Northern rebellion, and when he was appointed minister at Paris, La Mothe was able to warn the Court there that no ordinary man was coming among them. The direct instructions which Walsingham carried over, were to express Elizabeth's satisfaction at the peace, and her hope that the toleration now promised to the Huguenots would be faithfully observed : should the war break out again, a general Protestant league would be the necessary consequence ; the Queen of England would be compelled to take part in it, and all the force which she could command would be exerted