Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 9.djvu/421

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1 57 1.] THE RIDOLFI CONSPIRACY. 407 arm our own people, aooo corslets, and 25 pieces of artillery. 3000 horses will be wanted also, to keep command of the country in case the Queen of England make more resistance than it is thought she will be able to do. Money will be wanted also ; and if the enterprise succeed, as with the help of God and of his Majesty it must, I and the Queen of Scots undertake to reimburse his Majesty for all the expenses which he may incur. Were it possible to increase the succour to 10,000, 2000 men being landed in Scot- land, and 2000 in Ireland, the Queen would have to divide her forces, and success would be the more certain. f If the war with the Turks, or other impediment, make it necessary for his Majesty to put us off, I and others, if it seems expedient, might retire to Spain or Flanders, and wait for a more convenient time. The Queen of Scots however must be first set at liberty. If we go away and leave her in the Queen of England's hands, she will be destroyed. ' If the Queen of England be left with her present advisers, the Low Countries will never be secure. After the success of our proposed scheme, his Majesty need fear no further troubles there, and you will tell the King therefore, that it should be executed before the end of the coming summer, and before the French or the Queen of England have discovered our secret. As yet, you will say, the French know nothing of it, nor is there any surer way to prevent the Anjou marriage. Be as quick as you can that we lose not the summer You carry letters of credit from me and from all my