Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 9.djvu/473

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THE kIDOLFI CONSPIRACY, 459 attempted to warn the Bishop that Herle was false. 1 This note also was intercepted, and not being in cipher, showed Burghley that if he wanted more information he must try other means, Baily was removed from the Marshalsea to the Tower, where he was confined

  • in a cave ' ' rheumatic and unsavoury/ foul with the

uncleansed memorials of generations of wretches who had preceded him there, ' without a bed/ and ' with only a little straw on the moist earth- floor to lie upon ; ' the wardens answering to his complaints that ' they provided prisoners only with place and room ; ' 1 beds and other necessities ' they must obtain from their friends. 2 But this was not the worst. Burghley meant to make Baily speak, and to use whatever means might be necessary to break his spirit. He sent for him, laid his ciphered letters to the Bishop of Ross before him, and required him to read them. He said he could not, and pretended that he had lost the alphabet. Burgh- ley sternly told him that he was lying, and that if he would not confess he should be tortured. 3 It was no idle threat. From his cave, to which he was remanded, he once more sent a few words to the Bishop of Ross. He implored the Bishop to save him from La Gfehenne, or he was ' lost for ever/ The Bishop rushed to the council, claimed Baily as his servant,, and insisted on 1 Charles Baily to the Bishop of Ross, April 25 (evening). Misdated by Murdin, April 22. 2 Charles Baily to the Bishop of Eoss, April 26: MSS. QUEEN OF SCOTS. 3 Baily to the Bishop of Eoss, April 29 : MURJHN.