Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 9.djvu/8

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viii CONTENTS. PAGE Lord Hunsdoii's opinion of her Conduct . . . . 173 Punishment of the Insurgents . . . . 178 The Sufferers chiefly the least guilty . . . . 179 Extreme Severity towards the Poorer Classes . . 1 8 1 Principles of English Justice . . . . 184 Sir Eobert Constable employed to entrap the Earl of "Westmoreland . . . . . . . . 187 Murray's position in Scotland . . . . . . 190 The Hamiltons conspire to kill him . . 194 Bothwellhaugh and his Brothers . . . . . . 196 Murder of Murray at Linlithgow . . . . . . 199 Character of Murray . . . . . . . . 202 Feeling in Scotland . . . . . . . . 204 Leonard Dacres at Naworth . . . . ..210 Battle on the Gelt River, and flight of Dacres . . 214 Letter from Elizabeth to Lord Hunsdon 216 CHAPTER LIY. EXCOMMUNICATION OF ELIZABETH. Situation of the European Powers . . . . 219 Good Fortune of Elizabeth . . . . 220 The New and the Old Creed in England . . . . 221 Manifesto of Elizabeth to the English Nation . . 223 Sense in which the Queen was Head of the Church . . 225 The Pope determines to excommunicate Elizabeth . . 228 Letter of the Pope to the Earls of Westmoreland and Northumberland . . . . . . 230 Plans for the Escape of the Queen of Scots . . 233 Reply of Elizabeth to the demands of France for the Queen of Scots' Release . . . . . . 236 State of Parties in France . . . . . . 238 Elizabeth's intentions towards the Queen of Scots . . 240