Page:History of England (Macaulay) Vol 3.djvu/14

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Schomberg 372
Recess of the Parliament; State of Ireland; Advice of Avaux 374
Dismission of Melfort; Schomberg lands in Ulster 378
Carrickf ergus taken; Schomberg advances into Leinster 379
The English and Irish Armies encamp near each other; Schomberg declines a Battle 381
Frauds of the English Commissariat 382
Conspiracy among the French Troops in the English Service 383
Pestilence in the English Army 384
The English and Irish Armies go into Winter Quarters 387
Various Opinions about Schomberg's Conduct 388
Maritime Affairs 389
Maladministration of Torrington 390
Continental Affairs 391
Skirmish at Walcourt; Imputations thrown on Marlborough 393
Pope Innocent XI. succeeded by Alexander VIII. 395
The High Church Clergy divided on the Subject of the Oaths 396
Arguments for taking the Oaths 397
Arguments against taking the Oaths 400
A great Majority of the Clergy take the Oaths 405
The Non jurors: Ken 407
Leslie; Sherlock 409
Hickes 411
Collier 412
Dodwell 414
Kettlewell; Fitzwilliam; General Character of the Nonjuring Clergy 416
The Plan of Comprehension; Tillotson 420
An Ecclesiastical Commission issued 421
Proceedings of the Commission 423
The Convocation of the Province of Canterbury summoned; Temper of the Clergy 427
The Clergy ill-affected towards the King 428
The Clergy exasperated against the Dissenters by the Proceedings of the Scotch Presbyterians 431
Constitution of the Convocation 433
Election of Members of Convocation 434
Ecclesiastical Preferments bestowed 435
Compton discontented 437
The Convocation meets 438