Page:History of England (Macaulay) Vol 5.djvu/11

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Search for Jacobite Conspirators in England: Sir John Fenwick 165
Capture of Fenwick 167
Fenwick's Confession 169
Return of William to England 176
Meeting of Parliament: State of the Country; Speech of William at the commencement of the Session 177
Resolutions of the House of Commons 178
Return of Prosperity 180
Effect of the Proceedings of the House of Commons on Foreign Governments 181
Restoration of the Finances 182
Effects of Fenwick's Confession 163
Resignation of Godolphin; Feeling of the Whigs about Fenwick 185
William examines Fenwick 186
Disappearance of Goodman 187
Parliamentary Proceedings touching Fenwick's Confession 188
Bill for attainting Fenwick 190
Debates of the Commons on the Bill of Attainder 191
The Bill of Attainder carried up to the Lords 201
Artifices of Monmouth 202
Debates of the Lords on the Bill of Attainder 204
Proceedings against Monmouth 209
Position and Feelings of Shrewsbury 212
The Bill of Attainder passed 213
Attempts to save Fenwick 214
Fenwick's Execution; Bill for regulating Elections 215
Bill for the Regulation of the Press 218
Bill abolishing the Privileges of Whitefriars and the Savoy 219
Close of the Session: Promotions and Appointments 221
State of Ireland 224
State of Scotland; A Session of Parliament at Edinburgh; Act for the Settling of Schools 225
Case of Thomas Aikenhead 226
Military Operations in the Netherlands 229
Terms of Peace offered by France; Conduct of Spain 230
Conduct of the Emperor; Congress of Ryswick 232
William opens a distinct Negotiation 235
Meeting of Portland and Boufflers 237