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they had a son, whom they named Fortunatus; at whose christening an old woman, taken to be a prophetess, came in and uttered these words :-—

This child is fortune's darling, he shall share, (illegible text)sought, those riches whom she will prepare; to travel he his thoughts full soon will bend, though cross'd in some, yet all shall happy end.

This was noted of many, but more particularly when the success answered her prediction. As he grew up, his father, not to be restrained by the fears and entreaties of his wife, began to follow to former bad courses, insomuch that he squandered away all his patrimony, so that they fell into extreme poverty. Fortunatus being then 18 years of age, and seeing no ways to have their wants relieved, begged leave of his parents to quit them of the charge he put them to, by suffering, him to reveal, not doubting but he could shift for himself. His father easily consented, but his mother not without great reluctance; so with many tender embraces they parted. Fortunatus having the world to ramble in, made to the sea: and at the next haven found a great many armed men, landed under the command of Balwin, earl of Flanders, who had put on shore to refresh him. He took courage, and kneeling before the earl, offered him his service, and promised to be very subservient to his commands. The earl perceiving him a very promising youth, and after inquiry into the circumstances of his parentage and former life, he made him his chief servant: in which station he behaved himself so well, that he gained this great